Windy City Novelties
Green Party Supplies
Pick and choose from various Green-themed party supplies including glow items, decorative items, paper goods, banners, invitations, and more!
Find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow with our finest green party decorations. Our green party products are the best St. Patrick's Day party supplies you'll find online, but that's only the beginning. You can also use our green paper plates, napkins, cups, and more when you need awesome Day of the Dead party supplies or want to add some bright hues to your Halloween party decorations! Finally, you can make your kid's next birthday a huge hit with green glow sticks & jewelry, flashing LED party favors, and green St. Patrick’s Day top hats or wigs. Check out our assortment of green party supplies below and add the luck of the Irish to your next celebration with Windy City Novelties!